The Only Oatmeal Trick You’ll Ever Need

I have a dream…

That one day, men and women can get together at breakfast time and eat an even bigger bowl of oats without overdoing the serving size. That one day, a food can actually change the molecular structure of the oatmeal so we can savour our breakfast even longer!

Well I had this dream…but then I woke up and decided to actually try it!

I am not kidding you guys, it’s like magic! And you don’t even need a recipe because it is so easy to do!

Make your oats according to the package (or our) directions until complete. But BEFORE you remove the oats from the pot, add one rounded spoonful of 0% Greek Yogurt (any variety you prefer) to the HOT oats and stir. When yogurt has zero fat in it, it tends to separate when heated, but if you stir, the yogurt won’t separate into curds; it will simply spread out and become thin. Plus, the Greek yogurt will provide an extra 2 grams of protein to your fibrous meal!


Here, you can immediately see the difference between the two bowls of oatmeal (the Greek yogurt oatmeal is in the one on the left). Pretty neat, huh?

As a wise man once said, “Science Rules!”


And that concludes The Fit Foodie chemistry lesson for today! Now back to my favourite period in school…lunchtime J

Stay Fit, Foodies!

Erica and Andie

**PPS Vote for me to be the next Mac and Cheese Judge in the All You Need is Cheese Contest!!! That way I can make some recipes, interview some winners, and tell you guys all about it! **

Egg White Oatmeal



When I first heard of oatmeal made with egg whites, I’ll be honest – I thought it sounded kind of gross. I may be a fan of savoury oatmeal, but the thought of putting eggs in my oats and then adding cinnamon and sweetener just seemed a bit…weird. However, after encountering the recipe on a few different blogs over the past few months, I decided that I needed to overcome my irrational fears and embark on a new Fit Foodie adventure. The results? Delicious. Very delicious!


I made my egg white oats in the microwave, and the only difference in cooking was that I took the oats out halfway through to stir in the egg whites, as per this blogger’s instructions. The egg whites have this magical property of expanding your bowl of oats by a lot. The result is a big, fluffy bowl of oatmeal goodness that’s actually made with 1/3 cup of oats instead of the standard ½ cup – although it looks like much more!

You might be wondering about the flavour at this point. Certainly if you eat your egg white oats plain, you can taste the “egginess”. However, you can add lots of add-ins that will mostly mask the flavour, and when combined with sweetener (especially maple syrup) the oats taste just like French toast in a bowl!


Using egg whites in your oats is a great way to add protein to your snack (with 7 grams of protein for every two egg whites), give you a unique spin on a traditional breakfast, and keep you filled up for longer. This method is a must-try for any oatmeal enthusiast!

Fabulous Egg White Oatmeal (adapted from this recipe)

1/3 cup quick oats

2/3 cup water

2 egg whites (1/4 cup, if using egg whites from a carton)

½ tsp vanilla extract

½ tsp cinnamon

¼ cup unsweetened applesauce or ½ mashed banana

Sweetener, to taste (such as powdered stevia or maple syrup)

Raisins and sliced banana (optional, for topping)

Add the oats and water to a microwave-safe bowl, and microwave for 90 seconds. Remove from the microwave and add the egg whites; whisk vigorously with a fork or a spoon until the egg is evenly distributed and the oats look frothy and fluffy. Return to the microwave for 60-90 seconds.


After 90 seconds of cooking, but prior to adding the egg whites


After adding the egg whites, prior to the second cooking time

Once the oats are cooked, add the remaining ingredients form vanilla extract through optional raisins. At this point, I like to put my oats in the refrigerator to allow them to thicken via the “overnight oats” method – but you can also eat them hot!


Top with Greek yogurt for an extra protein boost!

Enjoy your egg-cellent oatmeal bowl!

Andie & Erica